Creative Skills & Enterprise
Skills development goes hand in hand with the Training of communities which will greatly help them to uplift their way of life. With the help of skilled people who are passionate about communities and are happy to share their skills, we can offer men and women of all ages the opportunity to develop skills and learn to become not only productive, but creative in the process.
TTN has some exciting projects that are underway in this area, and we are beginning to see the rural communities respond to the opportunities presented to them to learn new skills and work together on community projects.
By training the ladies and teaching them to crochet, they have started making beautiful ethnic bags out of plastic 'shoppers' (the plastic bags used in grocery stores). Callie's (from Genesis Ministries) mother Cecile has trained some of the ladies from various communities at the church at Genesis Ministries and the results have been fantastic. The ladies have started making creative, beautiful bags which can be sold and the money used for their families. By working with the community farmers' wives, they too, can teach their ladies on the farm to make bags or crafts that are inexpensive and can be made from common household items. We have seen with the plastic bags that the ladies start to become creative and each lady starts to stamp her own individuality on her bag. The 'pride' at watching their work improve and evolve is captured on the photos of the ladies who met over a few sessions at Genesis. The result? Fantastic bags that can be sold and marketed locally and internationally!