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Galilee Training Centre


The Galilee Project is on hold (until further notice) due to political unrest regarding the use of the shool grounds.

The matter is now with the Magistrate and will be dealt with further in 2020.

In the meantime, Pastor Phillip's son Given will stay on at the training centre to maintain what has been developed.

TTN has developed a ‘Demonstration Farm’ on 14ha property at Heyshope Dam (to use as a Training Centre).


The centre serves as a ‘live model’ where we have actual crops and livestock to use for Training purposes and to sustain the Project. Trainees will be enrolled to spend a period of one month at the centre to see a sustainable unit in practice, and to be trained to "work" the crops and other farming areas.


Trainees:   Prospective candidates will come from local farms, communities as well as surrounding regions.


Training Duration:  One month  -  Trainees will stay at the accommodation provided at Galillee, and receive training on every aspect of Galilee Farming methods, the ‘Asidlale Box’, and Practical Skills (Carpentry and Crafts).  They will also have the opportunity to be discipled (through the Discovery Bible Study, and given the necessary tools to disciple others.

Access ministries

  • DBS Discovery Bible Study (methods & 'Gatherings')

Trainees will receive Daily Training on the DBS (Discovery Bible Study), and learn how group discussions work, and to run a DBS Group.

  • Gaililee Farming methods - working daily with the crops/vegetables, pigs & chickens

  • Asidlale Box

  • Skills Training - carpentry, crafts

  • Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Training (Tuckshops)

Training Covered

 The 'Access Ministries' help to teach Communities to become self-sustainable, with the ability to feed themselves and their families.  They will also be able to 'disciple' their neighbours and other Community members, and teach them to do the same.  This way we hope to alleviate some of the rural hardships that Communities face on a daily basis.

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