Sulphur Springs Christian Network (SSCN)
The TTN Missions began in the Sulphur Springs area, on the farm Bloemendal, belonging to Carl and Mel van der Merwe.
Genesis was started by Tom McSeveney (after leaving the Anglican church in 2009) who began a full time ministry in the mission fields of ‘Judea' (Piet Retief district). We began with an old style ‘crusade’ in 2010, at the Bloemendal Primary School. We followed up with the start of a ‘discipleship’ course, in the old goat shed at the farmhouse, which we converted into a small meeting place.
Until recently there were weekly services at the farm on Genesis - that is until we were invited by the Fontana Congregation (AGS Church) to Partner with them in their Missions Outreach. This Partnership has seen a tremendous boost to the Mission work TTN is doing (Farming God's Way/Asidlale Box), and the support from Fontana has been immense. Tom has also been invited to be the Missions Pastor at the Church, and often preaches there on Sunday mornings, and on other occasions. Genesis also goes wherever we are invited, so if we are not at Fontana then we are in Swaziland or elsewhere, depending on where God needs us to be!
Genesis is a church that is committed to 'Discipleship' - we originally used a course called 'Indlela eya Embusweni', a course written and adapted by Pastor Welcome Ngwenya, a local pastor connected to the Augsburg Lutheran Mission Committee. The course proved to be a great catalyst for growth and a strong fellowship followed, until we outgrew the small meeting place and moved the discipleship component to the Moolman Lutheran church complex, which we were given the use of in 2013 by the Rabe Trust.
In 2016 we began to feel a growing sense of missions in Sulphur springs, and began to engage two disciples - Vusi Mabaso and Joseph Khumalo. Vusi has been doing ministry in the area for nearly 15 years and is known to many of the farmers. Once we can establish a base for him , he and Joseph can begin to introduce DBS , and all the accompanying ministries to the area.
Carl has also offered the use of land on the farm Bloemendal to develop the Farming God’s Way model, so as to be able to introduce this method of vegetable farming to the communities of Sulphur Springs.
An exciting aspect of this new region is that a proposal to create a ‘sub-region’ was made at the DMM conference in Johannesburg in June of 2016. The Sulphur Springs Christian Network falls right in the heart of this sub-region comprising of Northern KZN , Southern Mpumalanga and Southern Swaziland. The intention is to hold our first ‘sub-region’ conference later in the year.
The SSCN connects these three regions geographically, and will provide a way to develop in all directions.